The new City.

Nothing will ever be the same.

After events that changed the world either in a good or in a bad way, from the discovery of America, to the gun powder, from the invention of the printing press to the attack to the Twin Towers, even with the 6th April earthquake, once more, we have to tell ourselves that nothing is going to be the same.

We are ready to work, collaborate, and learn how to live a new life and how to plan and build, a new way of thinking.

Because everything has to be better than before.

L’Aquila will be the “New City”, a city in which people can live safely and quietly, a new place to live, a city that will make us proud for the effort and the work that now we have to do.

This is what we hope for ourselves and for our fellow citizens, for the city of L’Aquila and the other Communes, and it’s our “declaration of effort”, the basic mission for our job.


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