This Ethic Code express the efforts and the ethical responsibility of the direction of businesses and business enterprises of L’AQUILA 2009 Società Consortile Cooperativa, to follow called Consorzio. It is not ethic the behaviour of whoever tries to take benefit from others cooperation and work, by using powerful positions or strength.
It is ethic the behaviour of those, who, as we do, believes in the possibility of giving a community value to every entrepreneurial choice and to increase the “common good” by the correct and safe fulfillment of every job.
Each of our work will be marked by the architectural quality, the attention in the fulfillment of the work, the choice of materials, the energetic efficiency, the satisfaction of our customers who will be happy to live in our buildings and the pleasure that citizens will feel by looking at it while walking on the street.
Particularly after the earthquake that took place in L’Aquila, the launch of or Consorzio on ethical bases, made us think about how technologies and sustainability can help in the improvement of life quality for all the citizens. That is why our idea of CITTA’ NUOVA leads us to work for the future generations that will have to feel safe in a clean city, a city with low emission of CO2, a city that uses renewable sources and that protects its inhabitants in a case of a future earthquake.
But the concept of sustainability, that takes action even on society and economy, represents the ethics more than anything else because it cares about that complex social system that generates opporunities to improve everybody’s life, and that can be proudly left to our children.
Our Consorzio decided to interact with the market, making the healthiest capacity, legitimity and correctness principles prevail, and is well aware that non ethical behaviours in the business management will compromise the reputation of the Consorzio itself and of its parteners, preventing the fulfillment of the Consorzio’s mission and damaging the community.
Our work will aim at the growth of the Consorzio itself, its partners and at the satisfaction of Customers but always and only with those methods that allow an improvement in the common good.
This Ethical Code, approved by the Partners Assembly, is valid both in Italy and abroad. The Code express the ethical responsibilities and the efforts that the Partners will put in their behaviour in all of the activities developed within the Consorzio; the Partners Assembly, furthermore, binds the administrators,managers, lawyers,all of the staff and all Consorzio’s collaborators behaviours to the Ethical Code.


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