Economic and juridical data

The constitution was born on September 23rd 2009 by using the legal status of “Consortium Cooperative Company”, in accordance with the law 2615-ter civil code, admissible to public contract, and it took the title of “L'Aquila 2009 Società Consortile Cooperativa”.

The registered address is in the L’Aquila city, vicolo di Picenze, 25 and it’s VAT registration number is 01785830660.

Our Consortium is made up of companies all certified by SOA since more than 5 years both for the generals and specialistic categories.

The aggregated amount of SOA is over 100 millions of euros.

The cumulative sales volume referred to December 2017 of the main consortium companies results on average over 50 millions of euros.

The total average staff for a year of the main consortium companies is around 300 employees.

The President of the administrative committee is Paolo Tella. The partners of the administrative committee are Giacomo Panaro of the ROCCO CARUSO company, Francesco Bachetoni Rossi Vaccari of INTECO company, Corrado Vittorini of CO.VIT company and Alessio Rossi of IMACO company.


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